This is a list of plates that were produced from 1971 - 2006 You can use this checklist to check off
the plates you have. Just click on the box next to your plate,then click 'File','Save As'. Check back for Updates!
River County
Plate Needed
River County - Metal (Has Goofy, Chip & Dale at the River)
Typhoon Lagoon
Typhoon Lagoon
Plate Needed
Typhoon Lagoon (Same as the above plate only plastic)
Typhoon Lagoon - Plastic (Stress Free Zone)
Blizzard Beach
Blizzard Beach
Plate Needed
Blizzard Beach (Same as the above plate only plastic)
Plate Needed
Blizzard Beach (Has an Alligator sking, White Background)
If you have any questions or if you have a plate I don't have I would be interestd in Purchasing it.
Copyright 2004-2006 MRL Productions